Imagine Freedom

Moving As Listening, Moving As Creating

Listening invites a pause.

Stillness becomes a resource.

Creating is the movement.

Stillness creates space to hear our soul’s call, and as we rush about in an ever-increasing technological haze our capacity to listen, deeply listen, is compromised.  Slowing down and moving into our bodies through the practice of bridging the visible with the invisible asks us to live in depth, going deeper into the land of the sacred, the place where our intuition can guide us. This then becomes the space we need to listen, to hear, to respond to our soul’s call for healing. Explicit in this movement practice is a bridge between worlds that challenges the distance we have travelled away from ourselves and puts out the call to come home to our moving bodies, becoming the space we need to listen, to hear, and to move in response to the wisdom of the moving body.

We experience the world through our bodies. But we have abandoned the wisdom alive and waiting for us in our bodies. Our senses have become dulled, our feelings a distant memory and our capacity to relate to our lives through our bodies deeply diminished. Moving with awareness, moving with attention to rising impulses grows our capacity to be in authentic relationship with who we are, making us available to be in relationship with who you are.

Listening, tasting, touching, feeling, thinking, smelling are part of our sensate experience of the world. They are rarely singular sensations. Our smelling often involves tasting, our listening often involves feeling, our touching often involves heightened awareness of something outside of ourselves (thought) yet too many times we separate and become singular in our naming of what we notice. This happens in the sensate world and it happens in the ways in which we attend to sensation, impulse, and feelings in our bodies. Too often we define our world in terms of polarity, either/or, this or that and create a battleground on which to learn about ourselves, interact with each other and ascribe meaning to the world. No one just breathes out. No one just breathes in. It is the relationship between the inbreath and the outbreath that creates a third thing, a something we call life. As we drop into the EXPERIENCE of our moving bodies, a bridge begins to build that is made up of something else, creating a different possibility that includes, discovers the ‘and’ of life, collaborates, and begins to participate with an emerging process.


Listen to what you taste, taste what you smell, smell what you see, see what you touch and touch with thoughtful awareness. Allow all your senses to be immersed in the process of attending to what emerges. Surrender to following the impulse rather than anticipating it or racing ahead or imposing what you think is the better idea. Allow yourself to be revealed. What do you actually see looking within? What do you taste? What is your scent? What are you listening for? What do you hear? How do you feel? What thought thread are you following?


Moving with awareness is inclusive. It does not separate out this or that. It is a surrender to what is arising in the moment. As our awareness grows and includes, so does our capacity to immerse ourselves in the experience of this present moment creating itself for us. There is a moment when we fall just a breath behind an impulse or thought, allowing ourselves to be surprised, to be flung about, to be expressed. Facing inwards, we move out. We follow a single impulse and let it evolve without knowing what, when or how it will change or where it might go. We simply follow and allow. No one has to call the past forward nor can we live in the future. If there is healing to be done, it happens in the present moment.   If there are feelings to be felt, this happens in the present moment. If your body calls the past forward, it is happening in this present moment. If you are projecting into the future, it is happening in this present moment.


This moment, authentically and truly, is your embodied experience of life. As movement rises and passes away, a bridge begins to build between your inner experience and your outer expression. Taking your awareness with you every gesture, every breath, every step of the way, cultivate curiosity without knowing, surrender without imposing, follow without anticipating and experience your life as a revelation.


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