Moving Magic

We live in times of ever-increasing fragmentation and alienation – from each other, and from our own bodies.  Our realities become ever more virtual, and less simple and tangible.  It can be difficult to know how to act in a way that will transform our world. Moving Magic is focused on how our inner work reflects and mirrors back to us the work needed in the world.  Each intensive offered will be a forum for us to come together, in community.  Using the practice of authentic movement as our primary container, we will tell the stories that need to be told and be witnesses for each other.  As explorers and students, we will study where our deep pain meets the deep pain of the world and rise, in our bodies, to heal.  We will, together, create sacred space for listening to our stories, learning to stand in truth at the center of ourselves and asking the questions that will help us shift from living in a culture of war to one of peace.

Moving Magic is an exploration of energetic phenomenon using authentic movement, art/creativity, soul journaling and the energy of the collective to understand how energy moves through the body to catalyze transformative change in our lives.  Teaching at the interface between the visible (that which we can touch) and invisible realms, participants explore how the wisdom of the moving body can deepen their work as therapists, teachers, artists, parents, and evolving human beings.

Moving Magic is a form that allows us to explore and learn how feelings, memories, energy, and our connection to the larger reality moves through our bodies. Moving Magic intensives support participants in exploring the relationship between self and self (as mover), self and other (as witness and facilitator), self and creativity (as change maker), and self in relationship to right action in the world.  This is facilitated relationally through the development of community and experiencing how our lived truth impacts any culture we are part of creating.

Moving Magic is a doorway into a more tangible and direct felt sense of our bodies.  It is about accessing genuine impulses, learning how to move and emerge in authentic and integrated ways. Each intensive focuses on developing capacity in different aspects of embodied human wholeness.  These include creativity, leadership, moving a full energetic cycle, moving in dialogue and the integration of art with movement.

You are invited to join Cassie for an in-depth study of your moving body if you wish to:

  • Experience an increased sense of flow in your daily life
  • Deepen your relationship to movement as a listening practice
  • Have an enhanced experience of your own creativity
  • Incorporate movement and other skills learned in the intensives in your professional work and daily life
  • Develop a clear sense of your essence as a navigational tool in life
  • Understand how to use yourself in service to health and healing in community
  • Learn to articulate, describe, and use energetic phenomena as they are experienced in the body

We need witnessing for transformation to happen. In Moving Magic we will first create a space for reconnecting with our own inner witness and then expand out to welcome the mirroring of the community, a necessary vessel for this transformation.  It is time to gather friends, to create spaces of deep sharing, and to deepen the base of community around us all.

I wish that I could speak like music. I wish I could put the swaying splendor of the fields into words so that you could hold truth against your body and dance.
– Hafiz

Why does Moving Magic matter?

If we live without understanding how the unconscious affects us, we are at the effect of it.  Thought patterns, habitual ways of being, feelings, past stories all move us to act beneath the surface of our awareness.  Effective action in our lives remains limited to existing structures and the status quo.  A practice such as Moving Magic brings us into direct relationship with all of this and we begin to unravel and reveal ourselves to ourselves within a contained field of love, curiosity, wonder, deep listening and relationship.  As we listen/inquire into ourselves, peeling back the layers as we listen, as we move, our ability to respond from an informed place in our bodies grows exponentially.  This creates power, dimensionality, and choice to redirect action in our lives.