A Dream and A Prayer

A Dream and A Prayer

As I tend my garden of wild roses and underground strawberries

Of the murmuration of starlings, a shape shifting of swirling solid liquid and the deep digging stumbling nature of love

I will sow seeds of acceptance so that I no longer argue with reality

I will cultivate the ground of assurance that I may know, in the deepest part of my soul, that I am magnificently better than essentially infused with ok

I will water and protect how necessary clear boundaries are, to know the difference between inner and outer, you and me, staying clear within myself

I will pull the weeds that confuse me into forgetting

I will plant forget-me-nots to help me remember detachment, to remind me to release any thought feeling emotional demand that life be any particular way and let the wild nature of being have its way

I will double dig the beds of my own power and trust the growing emerging whispered growls of ecstasy that wiggle to the surface, reaching to bask at long last in the sun

I will let the garden magic mix of soul, water, sun and love remind me to see the whole and the holy and not fixate on the bitter seed that refuses the light or the small stone that sinks into my heart when I am not tending to the garden magic mix of soil, water, sun and love that is my well-being essence call swimming surrender of my own swirling current of life

I will plant wisdom along with my breath into my garden as life meets my needs caresses my longing uplifts my soul in joyous union where worthy meets worthy

Simply because we be.

I grow, we grow

I become, we become

I tend, we tend

To planting the wild garden of soul.